Monday, December 1, 2008


We are safe and sound in Delhi after a tragic weekend for India. Actually, we were in Rajasthan for the Thanksgiving weekend--in dusty hilltop resorts with few televisions and no internet--and didn't follow the unfolding events in South Mumbai the way I remember following 9/11 from the morning of the attacks on the World Trade Center to some three days later (watching almost uninterrupted). Seeing the newspapers slowly reveal the specifics of the story from the Taj and Oberoi is ever more chilling--the mindless carnage. I can't get over how little these bully commandos couched their mayhem in any articulated message or purpose. Perhaps that's why I love movies with a smart villain who, while evil, at least has a fully formed agenda and a sense of propriety, however skewed. Maybe life isn't like the movies?

We are being cautious here. I have to admit to ducking in the back seat of the car last night leaving my office building, as we drove by a nest of motorcycles and auto rickshaws. Can't get over the gnawing fear that one of them will blow up. But really, I am not sure how much safer I would be in Seattle or New York. I am concerned for Jennifer and Isaac and have pressed for more security details from the school. In the meantime, we don't focus on the fear.


a progressive crank said...

Ah, the timelessness of hatred. I was listening to a couple of different show on good old KUOW today, one with Peter Greenberg, who echoed the last line of your post. And another more news-oriented one, where one of the deathseekers claimed their acts were retribution for something that happened in the 1600s. These long memories are going to be hard to overcome. No apologies will suffice, no revenge will be enough.

Stay safe but live while you're there. Greenberg argued that times like this -- in India and Thailand -- are when those folks need our engagement and attention, as well as our currency, but only one of those will leave a lasting imprint.

ghd3 said...

glad you all are safe and well. thank you for the update!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving. Your comments on the mindlessness of the attackers reminded me of the exchange tonight (12/1) on The Daily Show between Jon Stewart and John Oliver.

Amelia said...

no diggety!
aw. I was listening to that song and I missed you guys.